Claim Your Youth

From your Claim Your Youth Culture Team

The Claim Your Youth CultureTM program has been providing turn-key, award winning youth programs to credit unions for almost 20 years. We're still committed to our long-held mission to build relationships that help your credit union gain loyal, financially-savvy lifelong members.

We know it’s important for you to gain and retain members of ALL ages. You want to attract young members before they reach the borrowing age so when they do reach it they’ll think of your credit union. And chances are, if the youngsters are members, parents, grandparents, and other adults in their lives are members too.

We originally created CU Succeed, now Claim Your Youth, and the Kirby Kangaroo Club as programs geared toward children and teens. These programs build your relationships with your youngest members and their families through fun and education and teach the importance of good money management through your credit union.

The CYY Culture Team and these programs help get members of all ages through the door so your employees can help them with the products and services they need, including savings accounts, debit and credit cards, and loans, for a lifetime.

Kirby Kangaroo ClubTM is for children ages 5-11. The emphasis of the program is to foster children’s first relationship with their credit union through savings accounts, a website, mobile game app featuring the Croc BrosTM, newsletters with credit union-centric content, and promotional items specifically targeted toward them.
The Claim Your Youth to CU SucceedTM program is for teens and young adults. This is the age where young people step up their relationships with their credit unions and start looking at products and services such as debit and credit cards, car loans, and college loans. This program reaches out to this age group through newsletters with credit union-centric content, a website with a broad range of teen-oriented topics, both financial and cultural, a Facebook page and Twitter, and promotional products.
Claim Your Youth CultureTM is a place for your credit union staff to trade best practices with other CYY credit unions and find out what’s new from the CYY Culture Team.

Credit unions that participate in any of our Claim Your Youth Culture programs will have access to:

  • Newly designed websites for Kirby Kangaroo for children and Claim Your Youth for teens
  • New marketing materials, including popular branded promotional items
  • More resources, such as
    • Research and statistics
    • Webinars
    • Best practices
    • Quarterly meetings
    • Marketing timelines

Plus, we’ll be seeking your input to make the program better and more effective for you. Let us help you engage your members with these programs. Check this website for information about the Kirby Kangaroo Club and Claim Your Youth for teens.

We look forward to serving your CYY Culture Team,

Rebecca Isaacs


Claim Your Youth CultureTM, Kirby Kangaroo Club, and Claim Your Youth to CU Succeed Teen Financial Network are powered by the Credit Union Association of New Mexico