Claim Your Youth
CU looks to future by involving youth today
April 29, 2015

Financial Security Credit Union CEO Judy Carrasco has an eye on the future of her credit union as she works with the children and teens of her community now. The credit union, which has around 3,700 members, is located in the southern New Mexico town of Carlsbad, famous for its subterranean caverns.

What works best in attracting youth membership?

“Without a doubt, involvement at their credit union brings in young members and helps retain them,” Judy said. “For our younger members, ages newborn to 12, we constantly run contests, craft projects and “fun days” and tell them to bring family and friends to get everyone involved.”

FSCU also has a dynamic teen program, with a youth advisory board that advises on products, services and a scholarship program aimed at their own age group. In addition, this group is very community-minded and represents the credit union at community cleanups and youth events, Judy said.

“Our youth want to help, they want to be involved, and they are willing to commit time to improving our community, as well as achieving their own personal goals,” Judy said. “We consider our youth board as spokespersons for FSCU. They are in our community and in the schools, telling their peers what FSCU is all about. There is no greater reward… or advertising.

Respect is important in marketing to young members.

“We have learned to be punctual and relevant with our communications. As with adults, our younger members want to know that you are being truthful and supportive of their needs. I try to always be conscience of listening and responding to what my youth are telling me,” she said.

Judy said the credit union benefits in the long run from working with its youngest members. Not only does she have members who will probably stick with the credit union as they mature and have children of their own, but she has made lifelong friends.

“These young people have given me inspiration for new and fresh ideas. Our youngest members are just fun! When we have events, it is exciting to be around them. They certainly fill the room with an abundance of energy. It makes all of us here at Financial Security want to be a better credit union for them.”